
Translation : Frédéric LAVIGNE - Email :


ESNS is a News server compatible with the current RFC very easy to use. It is Windows 9x, Me, NT, 2000 et XP compatible.

Available as a freeware at this link : , it is worth being tested and used as a solution to replace some much more expensive nntp servers.

You can ask your questions on the following news group :


1         Necessary files for its use


Esns.exe : Main program that can be started as a service or launched through command lines.

Esns.ini : server configuration file.

Esns.dat : newsgroup configuration file.

Esns.log : log file.


1.1      Esns.exe


Three command lines settings are available :

1.2      Esns.ini

1.2.1      [Users]


Enable (0 or 1) : enable or disable the users session management.

Count : maximum number of clients being able to connect simultanuously to the server.

Time (Sec) : maximum delays before inactive client can be considered as this

Timer (Sec) : cleaning frequency of the inactive clients table


1.2.2      [Server]


Idle Thread Time (Sec) : delays until the incative threads are closed.

Max Message Size (Kb) :maximum size of a message.

Parent Server : name or IP address of a main news server (for synchronization)

Local Domain : domain name or computer on which the news server is running

Spool Path : root directory where Data, Pointer, Tmp and log folders will be created

Port : port number on which the server is listening

Threads : maximum number of simultaneous threads authorized.


1.2.3      [Memory Pool]


Page Count : number of memory pages allocated for data conservation.

Page Size (Byte) : size of a memory page


1.2.4      [Wait Socket]


Write : number of available sockets for writing requests

Read : number of available sockets for reading requests.


1.2.5      [Input Log]


Enable (0 or 1) : enable or disable writing into the log folder.

File Name : whole name(path included) of the log file.


1.2.6      [ESAS]


Enable (0 or 1) : enable or disable coupling with a ESAS statistics server.

Server : name or ip address of the ESAS server

Port : port number on which the server is listening.

Client : client number sent back to the ESAS server.


1.2.7      Whole example



Enable = 1

Count = 64

Time = 600

Timer = 60



Idle Thread Time = 100

Spool Path = d:\news\

Max Message Size = 16

Parent =

LocalDomain = localhost

Port = 119

Threads = 64


[Memory Pool]

Page Count = 4096

Page Size = 1024


[Wait Socket]

Write = 300

Read = 300


[Input Log]

Enable = 1

File Name = d:\news\esns.log



Enable = 0

Server =

Port = 48

Client = 12

2         Esns.dat


2.1.1      GROUP


Newsgroup name

Ex. :



2.1.2      DESCRIPTION


Newsgroup description.

Ex. :

DESCRIPTION : newsgroup on networking components:


2.1.3      TTL


Life cycle of a message in hours

Ex. :

TTL : 720 :

Set a duration of 30 days


2.1.4      PRIVATE


Make a newsgroup private (authentication required). Can have a value of 1 or 2(cf. 2.3.6 USERS)

Ex.: PRIVATE : 1 :


2.1.5      CREATED


Creation date of a newsgroup : AAAAMMJJ

Ex. :

CREATED : 20030612 :

The newsgroup has been created the 12th of June 2003.


2.1.6      USER


Following this [user name] : [password] : [access level]

A level one user will be able to access level one public and private newsgroups

A level two user will ba able to access level one and two public and private newsgroups

Ex. :

USER : alex : c87v12 : 2 :


2.1.7      Example


GROUP                      : ADSL :

DESCRIPTION          : newsgroup on ADSL connections :

CREATED                  : 20030601 :

GROUP                      : CABLE :

DESCRIPTION          : newsgroup on cable connections :

CREATED                  : 20030601 :

GROUP                      : HELPDESK :

DESCRIPTION          : newsgroup on internal helpdesk :


CREATED                  : 20030325 :

USER : helpme : please : 1 :

3         Folders created by the program


Data : contains one directory for each newsgroup

Each newsgroup contains the posted messages following the way below :


Pointer : contains files whose names refer to the index number (month$day$timestamp@server) as seen above

Each file contains the name of the newsgroup et the message number.


Tmp : temporary directory of the application